Pink Film (Pinku Eiga) is a style of Japanese soft-core pornographic theatrical film, that first appeared in the early 1960s. Often more socially-engaged and aesthetically well-crafted than simple pornography.
Only persons 18 years of age and older will be admitted to the screening.
The Strange Saga of Hiroshi the Freeloading Sex Machine
Original title:
Sex mashîn: Hiwai na kisecu / Himo no Hiroshi
Czech titile:
Sexuální mašina: Sezona obscenit
Country and year:
Japan 2005
Yûji Tajiri
Japanese with English subtitles / Czech subtitles
Running time:
64 minutes
Screening format:
35 mm
The film presents reversed view at gender roles in erotic movie. This time the men are the object. But don‘t expect any radical feminist aspirations, this is a pinku film full of surprises and playful irony.
The Glamorous Life of Sachiko Hanai
Original title:
Hanai Sachiko no karei na shôgai
Czech titile:
Nádherný život Sačiko Hanai
Country and year:
Japan 2003
Mitsuru Meike
Japanese with English subtitles / Czech subtitles
Running time:
91 minutes
Screening format:
35 mm
Every intellectual‘s wet dream. Simple-minded prostitute is accidentally shot in the forehead and the bullet stuck in her cerebral cortex makes her a genius. Much of the fun derives from the incongruous juxtaposition of raw sexuality with intellectual pretentiousness.