Films of the 19th edition (2024)
The Blaster
(The Blaster -- The Blaster)
Czech Republic 2014 directed by Robert Vrba
Blaster II: The Second Blast
(Blaster II: The Second Blast -- Blaster II: The Second Blast)
Czech Republic 2023 directed by Robert Vrba
Bloody Pit of Horror
(Il boia scarlatto -- Krvavá jáma hrůzy)
Italia, USA 1965 directed by Massimo Pupillo
Blue Monkey
(Insect! -- Špitál plný breberek)
Canada, USA 1987 directed by William Fruet
The Borrower
(The Borrower -- Vypůjčovatel)
USA 1991 directed by John McNaughton
(Bugged! -- Krotitelé brouků)
USA 1996 directed by Ronald K. Armstrong
Confessions of a Teenage Peanut Butter Freak
(Confessions of a Teenage Peanut Butter Freak -- Zpověď dospívajícího burákomáslového fetišisty)
USA 1975 directed by Zachary Strong
Cinematic Shitsucker: Frass from the Ass
(Filmový hovnocuc: Chvála hovnivála -- Filmový hovnocuc: Chvála hovnivála)
Do or Die
(Do or Die -- Buď se hecnem, nebo zhebnm)
USA 1991 directed by Andy Sidaris
Evil Spawn
(Evil Spawn -- Pohroma ve stříkačce aneb Otrlá primadona)
USA 1987 directed by Fred Olen Ray
Hundreds of Beavers
(Hundreds of Beavers -- Stovky bobrů)
USA 2023 directed by Mike Cheslik
The Incredible Shrinking Man
(The Incredible Shrinking Man -- Neuvěřitelný zmenšující se muž)
USA 1957 directed by Jack Arnold
(Vermines -- Havěť)
Francie 2023 directed by Sébastien Vaniček
(Die Verwandlung -- Proměna)
West Germany 1975 directed by Jan Němec
(Panman -- Kastrólman)
USA 2011 directed by Tim Pilleri, Jim Zaguroli
(Phenomena -- Phenomena)
Italy, Switzerland 1985 directed by Dario Argento
The Secret Adventures of Tom Thumb
(The Secret Adventures of Tom Thumb -- Utajená Palečkova dobrodružství)
Great Britain 1993 directed by Dave Borthwick
Taoism Drunkard
(Gui ma tian shi -- 36 promile Shaolinu)
Hong Kong 1984 directed by Yuen Cheung-Yan
(Tarantula -- Tarantule)
USA 1955 directed by Jack Arnold
Veerana - Vengeance of the Vampire
(Veerana -- Zpustlina)
India 1988 directed by Tulsi and Shyam Ramsay
(Videoautomat -- Videoautomat)