Festival otrlého diváka









For Y'ur Height Only

Original title: For Y'ur Height Only
Czech titile: Jen pro tvou výšku
Country and year: Philippines 1981
Director: Eddie Nicart
Version: English / Czech simultaneous translation into headphones
Running time: 87 minutes
Screening format: Digibeta
Screening: Thursday 3th February 2011 from 18:00
Venue: cinema Aero, Praha
Admission: 100,- Kč
Screening: Monday 28th March 2011 from 20:00
Venue: Pastiche Filmz, Olomouc
Screening: Thursday 7th April 2011 from 18:30
Venue: BKC, sál B, Brno
Screening: Thursday 7th April 2011 from 18:30
Venue: klub Mír, Uherské Hradiště

America has Jason Bourne, Britain has James Bond, Germany has Jerry Cotton, Czechoslovakia has major Hradec and the Philippines have agent 00, a 3-foot-tall martial arts master, expert marksman, top-class womanizer and all-around superspy, embodied by one of the biggest/smallest local action stars Weng Weng. This bizarre take on the James Bond movies became an international sensation and spawned a whole series with agent 00. A 1981 Filipino movie filmed on a zero budget in Tagalog, and dubbed into stoner English? Can it be worth watching? Absolutely.


7th edition (2011)
- films / programme

Jen pro tvou výšku

Jen pro tvou výšku

Jen pro tvou výšku

Jen pro tvou výšku

Jen pro tvou výšku


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The website of The Shockproof Film Festival is subject to the licence Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported.