Festival otrlého diváka









Santo vs. the Ghost of the Strangler

Original title: Santo vs. el espectro del estrangulador
Czech titile: El Santo proti Fantomu Škrtiči
Country and year: Mexico 1963
Director: René Cardonna
Version: Spanish / Czech simultaneous translation into headphones
Running time: 82 minutes
Screening format: DVD
Screening: Friday 8th March 2013 from 18:00
Venue: cinema Aero, Praha
Admission: 110,- Kč

Heroes die, but legends live forever! That is the motto of the legendary Mexican luchador, whose firm and familiar father figure has loomed over the Shockproof Film Festival almost from its very beginnings. And you can rest assured, that this year will be no exception. The film we are going to treat you with is a Mexican take on The Phantom of the Opera and a loose and much better sequel to Santo vs. the Strangler, in which Santo defeated the deranged killer of the title. But he wasn’t really dead, you see, and in this outing he vows revenge… The direction here is surprisingly competent for a Santo flick and on top of the usual mayhem there‘s eight musical numbers and a nice, claustrophobic scene where our hero is buried alive but manages, through dint of sheer gumption, to free himself.


9th edition (2013)
- films / programme

El Santo a Fantom Škrtič

El Santo a Fantom Škrtič

El Santo a Fantom Škrtič


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The website of The Shockproof Film Festival is subject to the licence Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported.