Festival otrlého diváka









A Blind Date with the Shockproof Aero

Original title: Aero naslepo pro otrlé
Czech titile: Aero naslepo pro otrlé
Version: English / Czech simultaneous translation into headphones
Running time: 96 minutes
Screening format: DVD
Screening: Saturday 12th March 2016 from 15:30
Venue: cinema Aero, Prague
Admission: voluntarily

A blind date with The Shockproof Film Festival and cinema Aero. Till the very last minute you will have no clue what film we are going to screen. On the other hand, we do not ask any admission - you simply pay what you want after the screening. And if we screen a film that you already know, you just leave the screening within ten minutes and we will compensate your loss of time with one complimentary beer! Are you in? We promise you a spectacle of gargantuan proportions with links to Hugh Hefner, William Shakespeare, Bruce Willis and Konstantin Sergeyevich Stanislavsky.


12th edition (2016)
- films / programme

Aero naslepo pro otrlé

Aero naslepo pro otrlé

Aero naslepo pro otrlé


Licence Creative Commons
The website of The Shockproof Film Festival is subject to the licence Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported.