Festival otrlého diváka









The Gate

Original title: The Gate
Czech titile: Vrata do podsvětí
Country and year: Canada 1987
Director: Tibor Takács
Version: English / Czech subtitles
Running time: 86 minutes
Screening format: HD
Screening: Saturday 15th October 2016 from 16:00
Venue: cinema Aero, Prague
Admission: 120,- Kč

May the old devils depart! Long before Stephen Dorff was an e-cig smoking sex symbol, he starred in this often overlooked 1987 horror film, in which kids become the victims of demons erupting from a strange hole in the backyard. And like a child’s life, The Gate is simple, unbounded and fantastic, brimming with some of the most creative and imaginative hand-made special effects ever put to screen. With the charm of E.T., non threatening action akin to The Monster Squad and some quality creeps, consider this the first horror movie you can show your kids, opening them up to a whole new world that will make them the twisted individuals we will one day call our audience. And you simply have not lived until you’ve seen somebody stabbed in the eye with a Barbie doll leg!


Autumn special 2016
- films / programme

The Gate

The Gate

The Gate

The Gate

The Gate


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The website of The Shockproof Film Festival is subject to the licence Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported.