Festival otrlého diváka









Citizen Toxie: Toxic Avenger IV

Original title: Citizen Toxie: Toxic Avenger IV
Czech titile: Občan Toxík: Toxický mstitel IV
Country and year: USA 2000
Director: Lloyd Kaufman
Running time: 108 minutes
Screening format: HD
Version: Czech live dubbing
Note: Only persons 18 years of age and older will be admitted to the screening.
Screening: Friday 8th March 2019 from 20:00
Vennue: Cinema Aero, Prague
Admission: 130,- Kč
Screening: Friday 29th March 2019 from 20:00
Venue: Bio Central, Hradec Králové
Admission: 130,- Kč
Screening: Friday 5th April 2019 from 20:00
Venue: Cinema Metropol, Olomouc
Admission: 130,- Kč
Screening: Saturday 6th April 2019 from 20:30
Venue: Cinema Scala, Brno
Admission: 130,- Kč

The term toxic masculinity gets a whole new meaning once you meet the Toxic Avenger, the mop wielding mutated radioactive superhero from Tromaville and the face of the independent film studio Troma. Under the supervision of its founder and leading spirit Lloyd Kaufman, the company has been chucking out low-budget, low-brow entertainment since the 80s, building an impressive universe of its own, years before Marvel shamelessly ripped-off the concept. Always eager to horrify with all new depths of depravity, Troma reached a particularly obnoxious low point with Citizen Toxie: The Toxic Avenger IV, the final instalment in the studio’s flagship franchise. To give the screening a local odour, this proud cinematic turd will be dubbed into Czech live on stage by the stellar shockproof ensemble cast.


15th edition (2019)
- films / programme

Toxický mstitel IV

Toxický mstitel IV

Toxický mstitel IV

Toxický mstitel IV

Toxický mstitel IV

Toxický mstitel IV

Toxický mstitel IV


Licence Creative Commons
The website of The Shockproof Film Festival is subject to the licence Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported.